Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blue Water Satellite Imagery Provides Power and Manufacturing Plants With a Less Costly and More Data-Rich Method for Clean Water Act 316(a) Compliance

Algorithmically-enhanced satellite imagery from Blue Water Satellite is proving to be a significantly less costly way to demonstrate Clean Water Act 316(a) compliance. It's also providing a more accurate picture of water temperatures across a larger area of the water body. http://www.bluewatersatellite.com/


"Our proprietary satellite imagery provides thousands of temperature data points across a large area at-and-around the water discharge point," states Milt Baker, CEO of Blue Water Satellite, a Bowling Green, OH based technology company that provides algorithmically-enhanced satellite imagery. "It provides a much more comprehensive picture of the temperature dynamics than physical sampling because our images deliver so much more data to analyze." http://www.bluewatersatellite.com/satellite-analysis


The image technology allows you to view water temperature data on a very granular level. Temperatures are provided for each pixel in the image, with one pixel equivalent to 1/5 of an acre. In addition, a viewer interface is provided allowing users to "zoom in" on specific GPS coordinates of the water body to gain more understanding of the effects of the discharge. http://www.bluewatersatellite.com/satellite-imaging-solutions/electric-utilities


"It's more data, richer data, over a larger area and it costs significantly less than physical sampling/temperature model building approaches," continued Baker.


Another unique capability of the Blue Water Satellite technology is for users to access imagery on a historical basis dating back to 1984. Discharge areas or other points on the water body can be viewed month-to-month, year-to-year, or even based on plant or weather activity at specific dates in history. "Sometimes having temperature data from previous years correlated with fish populations can provide perspective on the impact the discharge water is having," states Baker. "It's easy to blame high discharge temperatures for marine life problems, but the actual cause may be the presence of phosphorous, cyanobacteria, or other water constituents. Blue Water Satellite can also provide imagery that locates and quantifies the concentrations of phosphorous in water (and on land), cyanobacteria, microcystin, chlorophyll-a, and other contaminants."


A fundamental law of physics regarding the release of energy in proportion to temperature allows you to derive temperature readings from satellite images. Blue Water Satellite has optimized the temperature algorithm for water and improved the accuracy of handbook methods to ± 1º C.


"In compliance discussions with EPA officials, they were impressed with our technology -- encouraging us to submit compliance plans for their approval. They noted that the algorithm accuracy and resolution would meet compliance requirements," concluded Baker. "I believe any utility, power plant, or industrial plant, needing to comply with 316(a) will find our capabilities to be a powerful tool for insights, and a more cost-effective means for mandatory compliance." 


Blue Water Satellite has been providing algorithmically enhanced satellite imagery to industry, utilities, government, and academic institutions since 2008. It's regarded as the leader in its field and has an extensive patent portfolio consisting of 6 issued US Patents and 6 patents pending.


Linda Orlowski
Blue Water Satellite
419-728-0060 ext 106



SOURCE: Blue Water Satellite


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